Kamis, 10 September 2015

FlexiSpy Facebook Tracker Feature

How To FlexiSpy Track Their Facebook Messages ?

If you’re looking for a Facebook spy application that lets you view Facebook messages on Android or iPhone, read below to find out how FlexiSPY makes it happen:
  • View all Facebook messages including group chats, conversation times and dates
  • View profile pictures of their friends and everyone they chat with
  • View stickers and emoticons which are wildly popular as chat shorthand or substitute for entire conversations
  • View all photos and audio messages
  • Easily view and analyze all captured data which uploads automatically to your online FlexiSPY dashboard 

Why you need to spy on their Facebook messages

Facebook Tracker

Do you worry about the rising influence social media has over your children?

Are you furious about employees wasting company time on Facebook?

Do suspicions that your partner is cheating keep you up at night?

FlexiSPY eliminates the uncertainty by letting you view Facebook messages and see the content of their 1:1 or group chats along with profile names and conversation pictures.

This way you’ll know everyone they chat with and what those people look like. And while other spy phones let you spy on their Facebook messages, only FlexiSPY gives you the ability to see all stickers and emoticons sent or received through the target phone.

This unique feature means you’ll never miss out on important chat details. It’s your right to find out who they’re online with and what they chat about, and FlexiSPY gets you the information that will eliminate the worry and doubt -- discreetly, accurately and conveniently.

Once you install the FlexiSPY spy phone app you can spy on their Facebook messages, learn the truth and take back control of your life.

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