Kamis, 10 September 2015

FlexySPY Spoof SMS Features

How to FlexiSPY Spoof SMS ?

Spoof SMS is one of the most unique mobile SMS spy features you will ever find, anywhere! Available for any FlexiSPY Android, iPhone, Blackberry or Symbian Target phone, Spoof SMS allows you to send any SMS message directly to any contact in the Target’s phone book, or to any other number you choose.
  • Easily send an outgoing message directly from the Target, right from your online Dashboard
  • The SMS is sent directly from the Target to the defined recipient, as any normal message would. There is nothing to trace back to the originator of the message.
  • The recipient of the spoof SMS can be any phone number, whether in the contact list / address book or not.

Why You Need Spoof SMS

This is a powerful feature in gaining additional information from a 3rd party contact who may not normally speak openly with you. If the contact trusts the Target, this may be the key to your answers.

Or you may choose a careful opportunity to set up a discreet meeting when if you feel a confrontation is necessary. Use of this feature may require some careful thought and timing

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