Rabu, 09 September 2015

What Media Says About Best Mobile Spy ?

English Language Media  FlexiSPY Quotes

In January 2015 Gizmodo covered FlexiSPY in a very extensive manner.
Back in 2006, Gizmodo wrote about FlexiSPY:
FlexiSPY can also let you activate the phone’s microphone remotely so you can listen in even if the phone isn’t in use.
In 2011, CNN described FlexiSPY:
Packages such as FlexiSPY and others, which are available for most smartphone platforms, have two parts: a mobile app and a Web interface. To make it work, the snooper obtains the target’s phone, installs the spyware app, activates it and returns the phone.
At the end of 2014, best-selling UK newspaper The Sun had this to say:
SPY software app FlexiSPY has reported a 300 per cent increase in the market in past year alone.
According to The Daily Mail in 2013:
For $349 a year, Flexispy of Wilmington, Delaware, promises to capture every Facebook message, email, text and photo sent from a phone, as well as record phone calls.
The Independent has written very recently (December 2014):
FlexiSPY lets you conduct ‘SpyCalls’, remotely activating the phone’s microphone to listen in on its surroundings
The Irish Independent added:
FlexiSPY captures every password…Over a few days, I check up on Phil’s digital activity and whereabouts on my FlexiSPY dashboard.

According to Sputnik News:
One such app is FlexiSPY, available on Android, Blackberry and iPhone devices. This is software which runs silently in the background of these and other “smart” devices. It can help the user monitor their partner’s messages, track their GPS locations and even allows them to intercept and listen or record their phone calls.
Metro published a spy apps story as recently as December 2014:
Take smartphone app FlexiSPY
The app lets you read their text messages, keep tabs on their location at all times (no more ‘shady’ solo trips to Burger King), and lets you listen to phone conversations as they happen. In fact, you can even record their surroundings to make absolutely sure they’re up to no good.
PC World explained in 2011:
Once the program is installed, data from the handset is secretly routed to a server operated by FlexiSPY. The user can log into the server to read messages and check call logs. The software can also activate the phone’s microphone, so it can be used as a bugging device to listen in on nearby conversations.
FOX News talked about how
 software called FlexiSPY  can monitor Skype calls and WhatsApp messages
Lifehacker warned:
software called FlexiSPY allows anyone who installs it to access pretty much everything on your phone whenever they please
Huffington Post chimed in:
program called FlexiSPY is placed on a cell phone to monitor GPS and all communications on or around the phone…
And USA Today gave this detailed description:
Not only does FlexiSPY provide live call interception, it also offers your smartphone spy access to SMS, emails, GPS location, and call records

Non-English Media FlexiSPY Quotes

FlexiSPY software has been covered by international media as extensively as by the English-speaking one.
Our products were noticed by outlets as different as the Spanish El Mundo, La Vanguardia, Polish NaTemat, the German NDR, the Serbian PressOnline, Saudi MojazNews, the Italian La Stampa, the Argentinian Perfil, the Israeli YNET and many more international media practically in every country.

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